Academic Policies Grading Policies - Kennesaw State University (2024)

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Grading SystemOther GradesDirected StudyGrade Point Average (GPA)
Grade ChangesGrade AppealsSemester HonorsAcademic Standing
Readmission after DismissalRepeated Course PolicyRe-enrollment PolicyAcademic Renewal
Academic Renewal for Second Degree

Grade Reports

Official grade reports are no longer mailed. They are available on the web. All grades reflected are those submitted by the faculty members at the time of posting. Grade reports, in addition to the official grades for that semester, contain a semester grade point average, an institutional (previously adjusted GPA) grade point average when required, and a cumulative (Regents) grade point average. For graduate students, a semester GPA and a cumulative (Regents) GPA are issued.

Grading System

Issuance of grades and formulation of individual attendance policies are the prerogative of the instructor. Faculty must provide feedback to students about their progress prior to the last published day to withdraw without academic penalty. Grades are expected to conform to those listed below. Any deviations must be approved by the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Registrar.

The following are the final grades included in the determination of the scholastic grade point average:

Final GradesQuality Points per Credit Hour *

A excellent


B good


C satisfactory


D passing, but less than satisfactory


F failing


WF late withdrawal, failing


* Quality points are not awarded in learning support courses. These courses give institutional credit only, not graduation credit)

Other Grades

The following grades may be listed on the transcript and are not used in grade point average calculations:

I- The grade of “I” denotes an incomplete grade for the course, and will be awarded only when the student has done satisfactory work up to the last two weeks of the semester, but for nonacademic reasons beyond his/her control is unable to meet the full requirements of the course. A grade of “I” must be removed (by completing the course requirements) within one calendar year from the end of the semester in which the “I” was originally assigned. In addition, should the student enroll in classes at KSU during the calendar year, the grade of “I” must be removed by the end of the first semester of enrollment during that calendar year. Upon completion of the course requirements within the specified time limits, a final grade will be assigned on the basis of the student’s total performance. If the course requirements are not completed within the specified time limits, then the “I” will be changed to an “F” (for a course which awards letter grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “F”) and the cumulative and adjusted grade point average will be recalculated accordingly or the “I” will be changed to a “U” (for a pass/fail course which awards a grade of “S” or “U”). An “I” cannot be removed by reenrolling in the course.

An incomplete grade must be removed no later than the end of the student’s next term of enrollment or no later than one calendar year of non-enrollment-whichever comes first.

The course requirements must be completed, as agreed upon between the student and the faculty member. Upon completion of the course requirements, within the specified time limits, a final grade will be assigned on the basis of the student’s total performance.

If the student fails to complete the course requirements, then the “I” will be changed to an “F”. The “F” grade is assigned for a course which awards letter grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “F”) and the cumulative and institutional grade point average will be recalculated accordingly or, the “I” will be changed to a “U” (for a pass/fail course which awards a grade of “S” or “U”).

IP- indicates “in progress” in a learning support course or where credit has not been given in a course that requires a continuation of work beyond the term for which the student signed up for the course (such as thesis). This symbol cannot be substituted for an Incomplete Grade.

K- Indicates credit awarded for credit by examination including, but not limited to the following:

  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • DANTES (Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
  • Departmental Challenge Exams
  • Prior Learning Assessment (portfolio review)

NR- indicates no grade was reported.

NA- Never Attended (for attendance verification)

S- indicates satisfactory completion of a credit course and is not included in the calculation of the grade point average. The use of this grade is approved for thesis hours, student teaching, clinical practicum, and internship. It also indicates unsatisfactory completion of certain credit laboratory-type courses.

U- indicates unsatisfactory completion of a credit course and is not included in the calculation of the grade point average. The use of this grade is approved for thesis hours, student teaching, clinical practicum, and internship. It also indicates unsatisfactory completion of certain credit laboratory-type courses.

V- indicates the student was given permission to audit the course. It is not included in the calculation of the grade point average. Students may not transfer from audit to credit status or vice versa. (Add CO-OP statement when received from Jill)

W- indicates the student was permitted to withdraw from the course without academic penalty. A course in which a grade of “W” has been assigned will not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.

WF- indicates the student was permitted to withdraw from a course with the approval of the registrar after the withdrawal date listed in the Semester Schedule of Classes. The grade of “WF” is counted as an F in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.

WM-indicates withdrawal for Military Reasons (permitted under Board of Regents policy for military service refunds)

Directed Study

The following institutional regulations apply to directed study. Additional departmental requirements may exist.

General restrictions:

  • Content in the directed study will not substantially overlap an existing course in the curriculum.
  • A student may not carry more than three semester hours in a directed study per semester.
  • A maximum of ten semester hours of directed study may be used to satisfy degree requirements with a maximum of three hours used as related studies electives and a maximum of three hours used as free electives. The department shall determine the maximum number of hours allowed within the major.
  • A student must have an overall institutional GPA of at least 3.0 and a cumulative GPA in the major of at least 3.0 in order to be eligible for a directed study.

Any student wishing to do a directed study must obtain an approval form from his/her advisor and complete a Directed Study Form, which goes to the Registrar’s office.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Kennesaw State University uses a 4.00 grade point average system, calculated to and truncated at two significant digits. (BOR Policy Manual 3.5.1) The grade point average or GPA is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned, by the total number of hours of credit for which grades have been assigned, excluding courses in learning support (0989, 0998, 0999).

  • Cumulative (Regents) Grade Point Average

Kennesaw State University calculates a cumulative GPA, by dividing the total number of hours in which a grade of A, B, C, D, F or WF has been received into the number of quality points earned on those hours. Institutional credit (such learning support courses and courses taken to satisfy required high school deficiencies, etc.) will not be included in this GPA. (BOR Policy manual

  • Grade Point Average

Kennesaw State University calculates a cumulative GPA, by dividing the total number of hours in which a grade of A, B, C, D, F or WF has been received into the number of quality points earned on those hours. Institutional credit (such learning support courses and courses taken to satisfy required high school deficiencies, etc.) will not be included in this GPA. (BOR Policy manual

  • Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)

Kennesaw State University calculates a semester grade point average (SGPA) similarly each semester for courses attempted that semester. This SGPA becomes particularly significant for students on academic probation who must maintain a 2.0 SGPA to avoid academic dismissal.

  • Institutional GPA (previously known as Adjusted GPA)

The institutional GPA will be used as the primary, overall GPA. Transfer credit/grades will not be used in calculating the institutional GPA. The institutional term GPA will be used to determine semester honors and academic standing at the end of the term. This GPA is previously known as the adjusted GPA at KSU.

Grade Changes

Errors ingrades must be reported to the Office of the Registrar immediately. In general, nogradechanges will be made after the end of the next semester after thegradewas assigned, except with the approval of the Academic Standing Committee. In general, the Academic Standing Committee will not consider requests for gradechanges beyond one year from the end of the semester in which thegradewas assigned. A petition for a gradechangewill not be accepted after the date of graduation.

Grade Appeals

Grade appeal will follow the level of the course. Students’ rights to grade appeals are defined in the university catalog. A key element in the grade appeal procedure is the faculty member’s responsibility to publish a specific grading policy for each of his/her classes. Specifically, the grade appeal procedure states: “Each faculty member must specify his/her grading policy, at the first of the semester. He/she may change his/her grading policy for cause after that time, but he/she must do so uniformly, with ample notification to students, if at all possible.”

Note that failure to publish the grading policy would mean that a faculty member would have great difficulty in sustaining his/her assigned grade if a student appealed with anything but a frivolous or irresponsible basis for his/her charge. The grading policy should be quite specific and should be distributed to each class in written form. Some departments may also require faculty members to file grading policy statements in the departmental office. Because the student can submit a grade appeal to the Department Chair within 20 business days after the first day of classes of the next academic term after the academic term in which the final grade was awarded to the student (see Grade Appeals Procedure, section B), it is strongly recommended that instructors retain any student papers, tests, projects, or other materials not returned to the student for 70 days after the end of a semester or if an appeal is filed until the appeal is resolved. Refer to the following section for specific grade appeal procedures.

Grade Appeal Procedure

Kennesaw State University is committed to treating students fairly in the grading process. Students may appeal a final grade that they receive in a course, but interim grades or grades on specific assignments are not appealable. Any such appeal must be based on an allegation that the faculty member has violated his/her stated grading policy or that the grade was a result of discrimination or retaliation. The student has the burden of proving these allegations. All formal appeals under these procedures will be based only on the written record.

  • Informal: Students are encouraged to discuss concerns and disputes over final course grades with the faculty member, prior to filing a formal grade appeal, in an effort to understand the basis of his/her grade. Faculty are encouraged to be available to students for such discussion regarding grades so that if possible, grade disputes can be resolved informally.
  • Formal: In situations where such informal resolution does not occur or is not successful, the student may appeal the final course grade to the Department Chair. The appeal must be in writing and describe the precise basis for the appeal. Any pertinent information must be submitted with the appeal in order to be considered in this or subsequent appeals. The appeal must be submitted within 20 business days after the first day of classes of the next academic term (fall, spring, summer [or any other term]) after the academic term in which the final grade was awarded to the student. The Chair will invite the faculty member whose grade is appealed to provide a written response to the student’s appeal statement. The Department Chair (or the Chair’s designee) will review the allegations and conduct any additional fact finding as needed and will provide a decision in writing to the student, within 20 business days of the receipt of the complaint in the Department. The Chair’s written decision will specifically address the relevant issues raised by the student. In preparing the written decision, the Chair shall consult with the EEO officer or the Chief Diversity Officer if there is an allegation by the student that discrimination or retaliation had an impact on the grade that was awarded.
  • The student may appeal the Department Chair’s decision within 20 business days of being notified of the Chair’s decision. Such appeal will be made, in writing, to the Dean of the College in which the Department is located. At the Dean’s discretion, the Dean can appoint an advisory panel, consisting of two (2) faculty members from outside the department where the grade was awarded and one (1) student to review the written documentation and make a recommendation to the Dean. The advisory panel may invite the student and the faculty member who awarded the grade to meet with the panel to share each party’s position on the grade dispute. The panel will provide a written recommendation to the Dean within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the appeal. The Dean will issue a decision to the student, in writing, within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the report from the advisory panel or within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of the written complaint from the student if no panel was appointed.
  • The student may appeal the Dean’s decision to the Provost, in writing, within twenty (20) business days of being notified of the Dean’s decision. [However, if it is a graduate course, the student will direct this written appeal to the Graduate Dean, and the Graduate Dean will issue a decision to the student, in writing, within twenty (20) business days of receiving the appeal. Within twenty (20) days of that decision, the student may then appeal to the Provost as is described in this section]. The Provost, will issue a decision to the student, in writing within twenty (20) business days of receiving the appeal.
  • The Provost’s decision is final, and decisions regarding grades may not be appealed to the Board of Regents (BOR Policy 4.7.1).
  • Nothing in this grade appeals process prohibits the parties from settling this matter at any stage. However, any attempt to settle the matter through mediation does not affect time deadlines for this grade appeals process.

Semester Honors

Dean’s List

An undergraduate student is eligible for the Dean’s list at the end of the term if he/she has been enrolled in at least 9 credit hours awarding letter grades (A-D and F) and earns a grade point average of at least 3.5 (but less than 4.0). (Please note that learning support courses are not included in the GPA calculations for the term.)

President’s List

An undergraduate student is eligible for the President’s list at the end of the term if he/she has been enrolled in at least 9 credit hours awarding letter grades (A-D and F) and earns a grade point average of 4.0.(Please note that learning support courses are not included in the GPA calculations for the term.)

(Suggested: University Academic Standing section and then another section for program GPAs OR add clarifying statement for gated program GPAs.)

Academic Standing

Good Standing

An undergraduate student is in good standing when he/she has an institutional GPAof 2.00 or higher.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on academic probation at the end of any semester or summer term in which his/her institutional grade point average (IGPA) falls below 2.0. Students may remove themselves from academic probation by raising their institutional GPA to at least 2.0.

Academic Dismissal

A student on academic probation will be dismissed for any one of the following reasons:

  • He/she fails to maintain a 2.0 grade point average for courses attempted in any semester or summer term.
  • He/she fails to remove himself/herself from academic probation after completing three consecutive terms of attendance.

A student who is dismissed is not in good academic standing at KSU and is not eligible for immediate readmission.

Readmission to the University after Dismissal

  • After the first dismissal, a student may be considered for readmission after an absence of one semester or summer term. Dismissed students must reapply through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for admission prior to posted deadlines.
  • After the second dismissal, a student may be considered for readmission after an absence of one calendar year from the end of the semester or summer term in which the second dismissal occurred. Dismissed students must reapply through the office of Undergraduate Admissions for admission prior to posted deadlines.
  • After the third dismissal, the student will be academically dismissed and will no longer be eligible for readmission.

Any exceptions to this policy must be appealed and approved by the Academic Standing Committee.

Repeated Course Policy

When undergraduate courses taken at Kennesaw State University are repeated at Kennesaw State University with a higher grade, the highest grade received will be counted in the institutional GPA (previously adjusted GPA) calculations. The student’s permanent record and cumulative (Regents) grade point average will retain all course attempts and grades.

If a student repeats an institutional course as a transfer/transient student and receives a higher grade in the transfer/transient course, the repeated KSU grade will be EXCLUDED from the KSU institutional GPA the next term the student is enrolled at KSU.

Re-enrollment Policy

After taking or attempting an undergraduate course for the second time,students will not be allowed to re-enroll in that class without thepermission of the department chair or his/her designee. It is the solediscretion of the department chair/designee to decide if and when a studentwill be allowed to enroll in a class that they have taken/attempted twice.There is no obligation on the part of the chair to allow a student to enrollin a course after the student’s second attempt to take the course. Thislimitation is in place regardless of previousgrades including grades of “Wor “WF”. The standing exception to this policy is for courses described inthe KSU undergraduate catalog as being repeatable for credit.

Academic Renewal

Undergraduate students who have been readmitted after a period of absence of three calendar years or longer are eligible for academic renewal, provided they have not attended any post-secondary school during the three years. The institutional GPA may be restarted by petitioning the Registrar for an academic renewal (previously academic fresh start). This provision allows degree-seeking students who earlier experienced academic difficulty to make a fresh start and have one final opportunity to earn a degree.

The institutional GPA (previously adjusted GPA) will be used to determine academic standing (probation or dismissal) and eligibility for program admission. The institutional GPA will also be used to determine eligibility for graduation and eligibility for honors, but with some restrictions. To graduate, students must have at least a 2.0 institutional GPA and at least 30 earned hours of credit for KSU course work not excluded because of repeated courses or “academic renewal” status. If the student has fewer than 30 earned hours of credit for non-excluded KSU course work, he/she must have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average.To receive honors at graduation, “academic renewal” students must have at least 60 earned hours of credit at KSU after the “academic renewal” status was granted. In addition, for honors, students who have repeated courses must have at least 60 earned hours of credit at KSU after the hours for the repeated courses have been excluded.

(BOR policymanual/section3/policy/C340/#p3.5.3_grade_point_average_upon_academic_renewal)

Students who wish to participate in the Academic Fresh Start program must contact the Office of the Registrar to complete the Academic Fresh StartRequest Form. The request must be submitted within three semesters after re-enrollment or one calendar year, whichever comes first. A student can begranted Academic Fresh Start status only one time. Once granted, thepetition for Academic Fresh Start cannot be rescinded.

Academic Renewal for Second Degree

A student who returns to KSU for a second KSU undergraduate degree may have his/her Adjusted GPA restarted at the time of re-entry. In order to restart the AGPA, students must petition the Office of the Registrar within three semesters after re-enrollment or one calendar year, whichever comes first. A student can be granted Academic Renewal for Second Degree status only one time.

Academic Policies Grading Policies - Kennesaw State University (2024)


Academic Policies Grading Policies - Kennesaw State University? ›

Kennesaw State University uses a 4.00 grade point average (GPA) system, calculated to and truncated at three significant digits. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned by the total number of credit hours for which grades were assigned, excluding courses in learning support (0998, 0999).

Is D passing in KSU? ›

A grade of “D” is considered passing in many general education courses. A grade of “C” or higher is required for ENGL 1101 and 1102. A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all major level courses.

What is the GPA policy for KSU? ›

Graduate students are expected to maintain at least a 3.00 GPA to be in "good academic standing". That's a B average. Falling below 3.00 can lead to being placed on probation or possibly dismissed from the university.

Is a D+ passing in university? ›

You'll need to receive a certain number of college credits to earn your college degree, and you'll only earn credit for courses which you pass. The passing cutoff point to satisfy general credit requirements is typically a D or above.

What is the incomplete policy for Kennesaw State University? ›

I – An incomplete grade can be awarded only when students have done satisfactory work up to the final two weeks of the semester, but for nonacademic reasons beyond their control is unable to meet the full requirements of the course.

Does D affect GPA? ›

GPA Impact: One D will indeed lower your GPA, but the effect depends on the number of classes you've taken and the grades you've received in the other courses. You can calculate your updated GPA to see how significantly it has been impacted.

Is D grade passing or failing? ›

The grades of A, B, C, D and P are passing grades. Grades of F and U are failing grades. R and I are interim grades. Grades of W and X are final grades carrying no credit.

What is the lowest GPA for KSU? ›

Admission to the university is test-optional and requires achieving EITHER:
  • cumulative high school GPA (weighted or unweighted) of 3.25 or higher OR.
  • ACT composite score of 21, or an SAT ERW+M score of 1060 or higher.

What is the grading scale for Kennesaw State University? ›

Kennesaw State University uses a 4.00 grade point average (GPA) system, calculated to and truncated at three significant digits. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned by the total number of credit hours for which grades were assigned, excluding courses in learning support (0998, 0999).

Is a 2.536 GPA good? ›

The national average for a GPA is around 3.0 and a 2.5 GPA puts you below that average. A 2.5 GPA means that you've gotten only C-s and D+s in your high school classes so far. Since this GPA is significantly below a 2.0, it will make things very difficult for you in the college application process.

How much will a D+ drop my GPA? ›

Pass/fail courses
Letter GradeGrade Points
8 more rows

Do D's get degrees in college? ›

Someone could graduate with some 'D' grades, as long as there were enough A's and B's to keep the GPA above water. So if a destination school takes transfers on a course-by-course basis, D grades don't count, but if they take the degree as a block, D's do count.

Do colleges accept D grades? ›

You can graduate with Ds, but you cannot go to college with Ds. Colleges will give you ZERO credit for the class, just like you got an F. This is true no matter what the class is, even if it is not a required class.

What is the lawsuit against Kennesaw State University? ›

Just recently, ADF attorneys settled a separate lawsuit against Kennesaw State on behalf of a different student organization over policies that officials used to relegate a pro-life display to a “speech zone” that made up less than 0.08 percent of the 405-acre campus.

How many times can you retake a class KSU? ›

Retaking Coursework

To repeat a course that has already been passed (D- or higher) only one additional time. Any repeated attempts after that will not be eligible for financial aid. Note that this applies even if you earn a failing grade (F).

What are Kennesaw State University GPA requirements? ›

A high school GPA of 3.5 or higher in the 17 units of the Required High School Courses as calculated by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

What is a passing grade at KState? ›

For undergraduate students a grade of B, C, or D will be recorded as Pass; a grade of F will be recorded as fail. For graduate students a grade of B or C will be recorded as Pass; a grade of D or F will be recorded as a fail.

Can you pass with a D in college? ›

At most schools, a D is the lowest passing grade. That means students who earn a D or higher receive credit for the course. However, some schools set special policies around D grades.

Is a letter D passing? ›

Numerical and letter grades

In primary and secondary schools, a D is usually the lowest passing grade. However, there are some schools that consider a C the lowest passing grade, so the general standard is that anything below a 60% or 70% is failing, depending on the grading scale.

Can I go to college with D? ›

For your high school, a D is passing. You can graduate with Ds, but you cannot go to college with Ds. Colleges will give you ZERO credit for the class, just like you got an F. This is true no matter what the class is, even if it is not a required class.


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.