Healthy Ice Cream Recipes - 13 Delicious Ideas! (2024)

Healthy Ice Cream Recipes

by Chocolate Covered Katie

Homemade Healthy Ice Cream Recipes

Healthy ice cream is suddenly all the rage.

Vegan and sugar free ice cream options are completely taking over the grocery store freezer aisles of Whole Foods, Target, Walmart, and pretty much everywhere else that sells groceries.

Mint Chocolate Chip Nice Cream

Protein Ice Cream

Almond Milk Ice Cream5 NEW Flavors

Chocolate Peanut Butter Nice Cream

Vegan Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Banana Ice Cream – 10 NEW recipes

Because it’s my job to stay on top of food trends (and because I’m a self-professed ice cream lover who would never turn down an excuse to eat more ice cream), I’ve tried many of these low calorie ice cream alternatives, including Halo Top, Enlightened, Wink, and Arctic Zero.

Spoiler alert: I hate most of them.

Healthy Ice Cream Recipes - 13 Delicious Ideas! (9)

Don’t let my opinion stop you if you enjoy any of the brands mentioned above – I know a lot of people who do.

Just for me, I’d rather eat Ben & Jerry’s, Häagen-Dazs, or my favorite vegan ice cream, Nada Moo.

Dairy Free Coconut Ice Cream

Dole Whip – Just like the famous Disney version

Oat Milk Ice Cream

Healthy Ice Cream Recipes - 13 Delicious Ideas! (13)

Vegan Oreo Ice Cream

Vegan Pistachio Ice Cream, from the cookbook

Ice cream is one of my favorite foods, and there are always at least two different flavors in my freezer at any given time.

I also happen to have quite a few homemade ice cream recipes published here on the blog, and in honor of National Ice Cream Day, which is coming up this Sunday on July 21st, here are some of my favorite healthy ice cream recipes!

Keto Ice Cream

Vegan Coffee Ice Cream

Healthy Chocolate Fudgsicles

Healthy Chocolate Ice Cream

Strawberry Dole Whip

Peanut Butter Pudding Pops

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Published on July 18, 2019

Peanut Butter Mug Cake

Chocolate Dole Whip

Healthy Ice Cream Recipes - 13 Delicious Ideas! (21)

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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Healthy Ice Cream Recipes - 13 Delicious Ideas! (22)

Popular Right Now

Cashew Ice Cream

Peanut Butter Popsicles

Vegan Ice Cream

Chocolate Frozen Yogurt

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  1. Juliette | Namastay Traveling says

    My favorite food! Yet it’s so hard to find a healthier version that doesn’t cost a million dollars. These look like great alternatives, and I don’t have to worry about all the fake sugars!


  2. whitney says

    This is the perfect post, because I just got a Cuisinart ice cream maker! Thanks always, Katie! The only problem: I am so torn between using my ice cream maker or making nice cream. They’re both so GOOD!


    • Jason Sanford says

      Use both and have a real ice cream sundae. Ha!


    • Darlene Caron says

      I have never used an ice cream maker before. For the recipes posted here would I need to buy rock salt?


      • CCK Media Team says

        We haven’t ever used one that needed it (although maybe there are some brands that do?). This is the machine Katie has, and it does not need any:


  3. Kat says

    These all look so good! I want to make the peanut butter popsicles!


  4. Alyssa Stirling says

    This is the best post! Thanks for sharing! My husband doesn’t like usually having ice cream in the freezer because he thinks it’s not good for you and we eat it to fast (it’s good for my soul that’s for sure!). So now having some healthier alternatives is great!


  5. Becky says

    I love your ice cream recipes. Thanks for the recap. I am going to make some Fudgsicles right now.


  6. Paige Flamm says

    That mint chip looks amazing!



  7. Katherine says

    Yum, those chocolate peanut butter popsicles look especially good!


  8. marti @fit says

    great timing! i was JUST thinking that it has been forever since i’ve gotten out my ice cream machine! now which one to make first? thanks for the great post and so many dairy free option! PINNED.


  9. Kate says

    Hi Katie. I didn’t know how to reach you, other than responding to your most recent post. I’ve got a question about the crazy Ranch dressing recipe. I’m allergic to soybean (so tofu), so is there a substitute? I’d really love to make your ranch dressing! Thanks!


    • Jason Sanford says

      Maybe try some kind of yogurt, such as greek yogurt or a vegan greek yogurt? If you experiment, definitely be sure to report back!


  10. Cassie Tran says

    The Nutella and Mint Chip are luring me to whip them up in my kitchen! BUT, all of these ice cream recipes look incredible! Great vegan renditions of ice cream!


  11. Kiera says

    Hi, what’s the best way to store/container for storing homemade ice cream and how long can you store it for?


  12. laura Alspaugh says

    love love!!! deff need to try these:):)


  13. Andrea says

    Hi Team!! I bought the cookbook “Hello Breakfast” ages ago (which is awesome) , however a weird thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to be missing the “Vegan Pistachio Ice cream” recipe. In this post it mentions its in the cookbook. So I am wondering, were their multiple versions of it? Unsure if I am missing any other recipes, I just happen to notice this one so far.


    • Jason Sanford says

      You definitely should have it. Emailing you know, so let me know if you don’t see an email within the next few minutes.
      Jason (media relations)


  14. Sharing crunchy says

    I like your Ice Cream recipes. Thanks for the post.


  15. Sharing crunchy says

    I really like your these ice cream recipes.Really good.


  16. Sharing Crunchy says

    nice recipe. Keep posting new recipes


  17. Sharing crunchy says

    This is a great blog. This is very informational. I like your recipes. Thanks for sharing your recipes with us. Keep up the fantastic work.


  18. Leatha says

    Can you recommend an ice cream maker? Thanks


    • Jason Sanford says

      This is the one Katie has 🙂

      Jason (media relations)


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Healthy Ice Cream Recipes - 13 Delicious Ideas! (2024)


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